Abstract: The Panará, who had previously lived in isolation from Brazilian national society in
the Amazon forest, were first contacted in 1973. Two years later they were moved to another area
in Central Brazil. During this same period they were reduced to 82 members, the survivors of a
population of 400 to 500 in the mid-1960s. In 1995 they returned to a small area in their old territory
still not occupied by outsiders. There, three years later, a health survey showed a presumed
diagnosis of tuberculosis in 15 individuals out of a population of 181. Further tests in the town
of Colider, based on clinical data and chest X-rays, confirmed the diagnosis in 10 Panará (6 children
under 10 years of age and 4 adults from 40 to 50 years old). BCG scars were present in the
entire population. The nutritional status of Panará children was better than that of other indigenous
groups in the Amazon region. The following measures were introduced for Tb control:
a) treatment follow-up in the village, under direct supervision by both a nurse and the local indigenous
health worker; b) compliance with defined criteria for ending treatment; c) periodic
control of contacts and non-contacts; c) and establishment of a reference system with the health
services in Colider.
the Amazon forest, were first contacted in 1973. Two years later they were moved to another area
in Central Brazil. During this same period they were reduced to 82 members, the survivors of a
population of 400 to 500 in the mid-1960s. In 1995 they returned to a small area in their old territory
still not occupied by outsiders. There, three years later, a health survey showed a presumed
diagnosis of tuberculosis in 15 individuals out of a population of 181. Further tests in the town
of Colider, based on clinical data and chest X-rays, confirmed the diagnosis in 10 Panará (6 children
under 10 years of age and 4 adults from 40 to 50 years old). BCG scars were present in the
entire population. The nutritional status of Panará children was better than that of other indigenous
groups in the Amazon region. The following measures were introduced for Tb control:
a) treatment follow-up in the village, under direct supervision by both a nurse and the local indigenous
health worker; b) compliance with defined criteria for ending treatment; c) periodic
control of contacts and non-contacts; c) and establishment of a reference system with the health
services in Colider.
"Ao analisar a elevada prevalência da tuberculose
nos Panará duas ordens de fatores devem
ser consideradas. Primeiro, o tipo de habitação
pouco ensolarada e sem divisões internas,
a proximidade das redes de dormir distribuídas
por grupos familiares, situação agravada,
algumas vezes, pelo número relativamente
elevado de moradores. Em segundo lugar, o
deslocamento dos Panará – iniciado em 1995 e
completado no ano seguinte – para local distante
do PIX, somente alcançado por via aérea,
o que prejudicou as ações de saúde e o controle
da tuberculose."
Roberto Geraldo Baruzzi
Vera Lucia de Barros
Douglas Rodrigues
Ana Lucia Medeiros de Souza
Heloisa Pagliaro
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