sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Ceiba Pentranda: no Brasil é chamada Sumaúma.

Tree Forms
Trees seem to develop two noticeable forms.
Firstly, trees grown in competition with other
trees become the emergent vegetation and develop a
long, cylindrical bole above the buttress. The more-
or-less horizontal branches come out high on the trunk
and provide a noticeably flat base for the crown
of the tree. Secondly, trees grown without significant
vegetative competition are less inclined to have a
trunk free of mid-level branches. The width of these trees are usually noticeably greater than the height. 
Stephen H. Brown, Horticulture Agent
Lee County Extension, Fort Myers, Florida
Danielle Ammeson, Intern, Florida Gulf Coast Univ.
(239) 533-7513

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