The objective of this research was to study the physiological performance of Tabebuia heptaphylla (Vell.) Toledo seeds during storage. Fruits from 15 mother plants were hand picked and placed under shade to finish drying and to ease further manual extraction of seeds. Firstly, the initial moisture content of the seeds was determined, which was 15.6%. Following that, the remaining seeds were submitted to drying at ambient temperature inside a glass desicator in order to obtain the other desired moisture contents (11.5, 8.1 and 4.3%).
Conservação de sementes de ipê-roxo
Leila Martins
Antonio A. do Lago
Silvio M. Cícero
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o comportamento fisiológico de sementes
de ipê-roxo (Tabebuia heptaphylla (Vell.) Toledo) durante o amazenamento. Frutos colhidos manualmente de 15 plantasmatrizes foram colocados em ambiente sombreado para secagem complementar e posterior extração manual das sementes; primeiro, determinou-se o grau de umidade inicial das sementes (15,6%) e, em seguida, as sementes remanescentes foram submetidas a secagem
para obtenção dos demais graus de umidade desejados (11,5, 8,0 e 4,3%).
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